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Online virtual mental health and substance use disorder treatment has grown in popularity and use as technological advancements have made this method of delivering services easier and more effective. Freeman Recovery Center has multiple rehab facilities in Tennessee with behavioral health and addiction specialists who have the experience and the expertise to engage in addiction treatment using an online platform.

Freeman Drug and Alcohol Addiction Center facilities offer treatment for substance abuse, addiction, and co-occurring mental health conditions. Treatment options include in-person services at facilities in Burns and Dickson, Tennessee, or online using easy-to-use virtual platforms. Receiving online or virtual treatment for addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions requires skilled behavioral health or addiction specialists. Contact Freeman Alcohol and Drug Addiction Center for more information about our virtual counseling and rehabilitation treatment options.

Virtual Addiction And Mental Health Treatment

Virtual mental health treatment offers programs that utilize digital platforms and allow individuals to receive the care they need without needing to visit a facility in person. Remote psychotherapy reduces the stigma associated with mental health and addresses the needs of those who have limited mobility. The programs provide flexibility and accessibility while catering to those with busy schedules or geographical limitations. 

Some common services offered in online mental health treatment include internet-based therapy, telehealth counseling, and psychiatric medication management. Each of these uses a secure video conferencing tool to maintain privacy and ensure security. Virtual outpatient treatment is valuable for ongoing support. It allows behavioral health and addiction specialists to check in regularly and adjust treatment plans as needed. By reducing barriers to access, these virtual programs can significantly improve the continuity of care and an individual’s adherence to treatment protocols.

Drug & Alcohol Substance Misuse Treatment Center in Middle Tennessee

Drug & Alcohol Substance Misuse Treatment Center in Middle Tennessee

Treatment for drug and alcohol substance misuse typically encompasses a variety of programs and strategies that help you overcome addiction and dependency. Treatment begins with detoxification, which ensures the safe removal of substances from the body. Rehabilitation programs can be inpatient rehab or outpatient programs such as partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) or intensive outpatient programs (IOPs). 

Programs typically include individual and group therapy and focus on understanding the root causes of addiction while helping individuals develop coping mechanisms and learn healthier behaviors. Ongoing community support is achieved through groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Medications may be used to help manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Ultimately, the goal of treatment is to stop substance use and improve overall functioning, while supporting long-term recovery and relapse prevention.

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Freeman Recovery Center accepts most major insurance providers

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Mental Health Therapy & Treatment Programs in Nashville, Tennessee

Mental health therapy and treatment centers in Middle Tennessee offer a variety of treatment options that are aimed at reducing psychological distress and improving emotional and mental well-being. Common forms of therapy include cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and other behavioral health options that explore an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 

Treatment may incorporate medication management, lifestyle changes, and mindfulness practices, which are key strategies for addressing symptoms and fostering resilience and self-awareness.

Young girl logging on to virtual substance abuse treatment in Tennessee

Virtual Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Programs in Tennessee

Online outpatient mental health treatment programs provide therapy and support through virtual platforms, allowing individuals to receive care from wherever they’re most comfortable. These programs typically involve regular video or phone sessions with licensed therapists, counselors, or psychiatrists. They can address a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, stress, and more.

The flexibility of online treatment makes it easier for people to fit therapy into their busy schedules and eliminates the need for travel. These programs often include additional resources such as online support groups, educational materials, and self-help tools. Treatment plans are tailored to each individual’s needs, ensuring personalized care. By leveraging technology, online outpatient mental health programs offer a convenient and effective alternative to traditional in-person therapy, making mental health care more accessible to a broader audience.

Will Insurance Cover Virtual Treatment for Mental Health and Addiction Programs?

The 2008 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and the 2010 Affordable Care Act mandate that insurance providers offer some level of coverage for the treatment of mental health conditions and substance use disorders. The level of coverage provided by your insurance provider for online treatment is outlined in your health insurance policy.

The Freeman Substance Abuse Recovery Center admission counselors can help verify your insurance coverage and answer your questions about virtual treatment programs to address your situation.

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What Are Some Common Mental Health Disorders Treated Virtually?

Several mental health disorders can be treated using virtual technology. The following is a list of mental health disorders that the behavioral health specialists at Freeman Substance Abuse Recovery Center can treat when they occur simultaneously with a substance use disorder (SUD). However, this is not a full list. We encourage you to contact Freeman Addiction Recovery Center today for more information about our treatment options.

Virtual Depression Treatment 

Virtual Depression Treatment 

Depression is a serious and common mood disorder that can affect how a person feels, thinks, and deals with their everyday activities. Symptoms are more than sadness or feeling the blues. A diagnosis of depression requires a minimum of two weeks of experiencing symptoms such as a change in appetite or sleep, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, or guilt. 

Virtual depression treatment offers flexibility and accessibility to manage symptoms, particularly for those who may not have access to in-person care. Individuals can receive support from a qualified, experienced healthcare provider, which especially benefits those living in remote areas. Treatment may include video therapy sessions, online support groups, and therapeutic approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness techniques. The mode of treatment ensures privacy, convenience, and immediate access to care, and the quality of virtual therapy is comparable to in-person treatment.

Virtual Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety) Treatment

Virtual Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety) Treatment

Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear and anxiety that interferes with an individual’s daily activities. Common types include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. Each of these has unique symptoms such as persistent worry, sudden intense panic attacks, or an overwhelming fear of social interactions.

Virtual anxiety treatment has become increasingly popular as it typically includes real-time therapy sessions that are conducted over video conferencing alongside online resources and mobile apps designed to help manage anxiety symptoms. These therapeutic interventions may include cognitive behavioral therapy to help individuals learn how to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors, providing people with the flexibility and accessibility needed for consistent and effective anxiety management.

Virtual Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment

Virtual Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that’s triggered by witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. Individuals experience symptoms such as flashbacks, severe anxiety, uncontrollable thoughts about the event, and emotional numbness. Virtual PTSD treatment ensures people receive care even if they have limitations, such as geographical location, mobility challenges, or discomfort with traditional in-person sessions.

Online PTSD treatment may include video conferencing using a secure environment where individuals can engage in evidence-based treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy and prolonged exposure therapy. The treatment plan is customized to address PTSD symptoms and the individual’s current condition. Virtual sessions can incorporate techniques like Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing (EMDR). This approach helps manage symptoms and can improve accessibility and convenience for ongoing support and recovery.

Virtual Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Virtual Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that is characterized by significant mood swings. These include emotional highs marked by mania or hypomania and lows involving depression. Mood episodes can affect sleep, energy, behavior, judgment, and the ability to think clearly. Virtual treatment for bipolar disorder offers individuals vital resources to manage their symptoms remotely. 

Individuals can access regular therapy sessions, psychiatric evaluations, and continuous medication management. Virtual therapy includes various modalities, including psychoeducation, to help people recognize early signs of mood shifts and develop coping strategies. Virtual treatment supports consistent engagement with healthcare providers and increases accessibility for individuals with bipolar disorder.

Virtual Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Treatment

Virtual Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Treatment

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These symptoms significantly impact an individual’s daily life functioning and relationships. Virtual treatment has emerged as a practical alternative to in-person therapy as it is convenient and accessible. 

The type of treatment typically involves video conferencing and may include behavioral interventions and skill-building activities tailored to manage ADHD symptoms. Online ADHD treatment also facilitates consistent follow-up and sharing of online resources such as organizational tools and educational programs in a real-time environment. Virtual ADHD treatment not only enhances accessibility but also allows for a flexible approach that can be customized to meet the needs of the individual.

Virtual Trauma Treatment

Virtual Trauma Treatment

Psychological trauma can result from extremely stressful events that shatter an individual’s sense of security and lead to feelings of helplessness and vulnerability. Common symptoms include intense fear, anxiety, and disturbing thoughts that persist long after the traumatic event. Virtual treatment for trauma offers individuals flexible care and allows them to engage in therapy from the safety and comfort of their homes. 

The approach typically includes trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy using video conferencing to help people process and manage the experience. Therapy may also integrate Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing (EMDR) and narrative therapy. The virtual format benefits those who feel overwhelmed by face-to-face sessions and provides a less intimidating environment while maintaining therapeutic effectiveness.

Virtual Psychiatric Disorders Treatment

Virtual Psychiatric Disorders Treatment

There is a broad range of psychiatric mental health conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior. These include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Online treatment for psychiatric disorders has gained prominence as it offers a convenient and effective way for people to access services remotely. 

Virtual therapy utilizes video conferencing and other online communication tools, which allows for real-time interactions between an individual and their therapist. A variety of therapeutic techniques can be used such as cognitive behavioral therapy, medication management, and supportive counseling. Virtual care increases accessibility, specifically for those living in remote areas or those with mobility issues. This reduces the barrier to receiving comprehensive and consistent mental health care.

Women using a computer to log into virtual treatment for substance abuse recovery

What Are Some Common Substance Use Disorders Treated Virtually?

Virtual treatment can also addresses substance use disorders and addiction. Several types of virtual programs are available to address the needs of individuals with substance use disorders. Below is a list of some of these programs, although it is not exhaustive:

Online Alcohol Treatment

Alcohol addiction, also called alcohol use disorder (AUD) or alcoholism, is characterized by an inability to manage drinking habits despite experiencing adverse effects on health, relationships, and responsibilities. Online treatment is delivered through digital platforms so individuals can participate in therapy sessions, support groups, and educational workshops from anywhere in the world. 

This reduces barriers such as travel or scheduling conflicts and allows individuals to continue to receive care if they travel for personal or business reasons. These services include cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and relapse prevention strategies. Online treatment offers both anonymity and discretion, which encourages participation for those who might avoid face-to-face meetings because of the stigma associated with mental health treatment. Online treatment programs may also utilize apps and online tools to help monitor drinking patterns and provide coping strategies to support someone in maintaining sobriety and managing cravings.

Online Drug Treatment

Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive drug-seeking behavior and use despite experiencing harmful consequences. Drug addiction requires comprehensive treatment strategies. Online treatment options offer people an effective platform for managing their addiction from anywhere and improve accessibility and convenience for those who face logistical or personal barriers. 

Virtual programs provide therapy sessions, peer support groups, and educational resources utilizing digital platforms. Therapists employ techniques that include motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, and contingency management. The methods are adapted to an online format to help individuals understand the root of the addiction and develop coping strategies that help maintain sobriety.

Online Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment

When a co-occurring mental health condition occurs alongside a substance use disorder or addiction, it is known as a dual diagnosis. Treating co-occurring disorders increases the complexity of treatment for addiction because of the interplay between the disorders. This influences the progress and treatment response. 

Online treatment must offer a comprehensive approach by integrating services for mental health and substance use issues to help facilitate access to simultaneous care. Therapy sessions, psychiatric evaluations, and peer support groups must be accessible over virtual platforms to successfully treat dual diagnosis. Cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and personalized medication management are commonly used. Virtual treatment not only increases accessibility but also ensures continuity of care, which is key for the effective management of dual diagnoses.

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How Much Does Online Addiction Treatment and Mental Health Therapy Cost?

On average, individual online therapy sessions can range in cost from $60 to $200 per hour. However, this varies greatly depending on several factors. For example, the type of service affects the cost, such as specialized programs for substance use disorders versus individual therapy for mental health conditions. 

The providers’ qualifications, session length and frequency, and insurance coverage also influence the cost of online addiction treatment and mental health therapy. Some platforms offer subscription services for virtual outpatient rehab treatments. The cost of subscription services is influenced by the number of sessions, the provider qualifications, and the type of service.

What is the Admission Process for an Online Treatment Program?

What is the Admission Process for an Online Treatment Program?

The admission process for an online treatment program usually involves several key steps. This ensures that the individual’s needs will be met by the program and they receive the appropriate level of care. While each virtual substance abuse treatment program may have a different admission process, each process begins with your initial inquiry. 

When individuals contact the program by phone, email, or an online form, they’re given information about the services that can be provided, costs, and insurance coverage, and receive answers to any of their specific concerns. At Freeman Drug and Alcohol Addiction Center, our admission counselors can verify your insurance coverage and determine if prior authorization is needed before treatment can start. 

Most programs also have an initial assessment or a pre-screening done online or over the phone to help assess the severity of the condition and whether an online program will meet the individual’s needs. If the pre-screening indicates that an online program is a good fit, the individual goes through a more comprehensive assessment. This can include a detailed questionnaire or an interview that includes the person’s medical history, mental health history, substance use history, and current symptoms. 

Based on this assessment, the behavioral health and addiction specialists create a customized plan that includes the types of sessions, the frequency of treatment, and any specific approaches that should be used. The individual works with the financial counselors to review and arrange payment options, including verifying insurance coverage and setting up payment plans as needed. Once the process is completed, the individual can receive material that explains how to access and use the online platform, what to expect during the sessions, and how to communicate with the therapist and support staff.

Virtual Drug and Alcohol Rehab and Mental Health Treatment Process and Schedule

Virtual Drug and Alcohol Rehab and Mental Health Treatment Process and Schedule

Virtual drug and alcohol rehab and mental health treatment provides a comprehensive approach to treatment using an online format. Individuals will receive treatment without the need to physically attend a facility, which increases flexibility and accessibility for individuals who have geographic, logistic, or mobility barriers that do not allow them to attend in-person therapy sessions. 

Virtual care also allows for continuity of care and continued treatment if the individual cannot travel for personal or professional reasons. Individuals typically participate in multiple therapy sessions each week, including individual and group therapy. Most customized treatment plans include individual therapy at least once or twice a week to help individuals focus on personal issues, progress, and enhance recovery strategies. 

Group therapy sessions can be held several times a week, providing the individual with a place for peer support and shared learning. Groups might focus on specific topics, such as relapse prevention, managing emotions, or coping strategies. Additionally, individuals will engage in educational workshops and activities relevant to their recovery and mental health. These can include lessons on the effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain, stress management techniques, and healthy lifestyle choices. 

Treatment programs typically have support services for those who want additional assistance, such as vocational training, legal assistance, or family counseling. The treatment staff regularly checks in with the individual to assess progress and adjust the plan as necessary. Finally, as the individual progresses through the program, the intensity of the therapy schedule can reduce as it shifts focus toward maintaining sobriety and mental health and preventing relapse. During this phase, individuals also transition into ongoing support groups and other aftercare programs within the community.

A field in Tennessee. Morristown rehab.

Insurance Coverage for Telehealth Mental Health and Addiction Rehab

Most major health insurance providers offer coverage for telehealth services for the treatment of mental health conditions and substance use disorders. Coverage options have increased in the past decade as technological advancements improved digital platforms and an increasing number of individuals are seeking virtual care.

Some of the major health insurance providers who offer some coverage for telehealth services include Blue Cross Blue Shield, Magellan, Optum, Cigna, and Aetna. We encourage you to call Freeman Addiction Recovery Center or contact us to verify your insurance coverage and answer your questions about treatment options.

Does Teletherapy Treatment Include Counseling?

Does Teletherapy Treatment Include Counseling?

Teletherapy treatment typically includes counseling as a core concept. Teletherapy is delivered using telecommunications technology, which allows mental health professionals to provide services over the phone, messaging platforms, or video conferencing. This delivery method helps therapists conduct sessions remotely and offers individuals traditional therapeutic interventions, including talk therapy and supportive counseling. 

Teletherapy is designed to replicate the face-to-face experience and provide a viable option for people who are seeking help with emotional, psychological, or behavioral issues. Teletherapy is particularly beneficial for those with limited access to in-person therapy and ensures that comprehensive counseling services are accessible to a wide range of individuals.

Does Teletherapy Treatment Include Individual Therapy Sessions?

Does Teletherapy Treatment Include Individual Therapy Sessions?

Yes, teletherapy treatment typically includes individual therapy sessions as a fundamental part of care. The sessions are conducted using video calls, phone calls, or secure messaging platforms. This helps therapists and individuals to connect remotely while mirroring traditional in-person settings.

Individual therapy sessions can include various psychotherapeutic techniques tailored to meet the needs of the person seeking treatment, including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and mindfulness-based therapies. Teletherapy offers the flexibility and privacy needed for one-on-one engagement, which makes mental health support more accessible for those who face barriers to accessing traditional care.

Does Teletherapy Treatment Include Virtual Group Therapy Sessions?

Group therapy is often included in teletherapy treatment sessions. These are conducted remotely using video conferencing platforms that allow multiple participants to join from different locations. Group therapy offers the same benefits in a teletherapy session as it does in traditional in-person settings. 

This includes the opportunity for people to share their experiences, provide mutual support, and learn from others facing some of the same challenges. Group therapy sessions can address a variety of mental health and substance use disorder issues. The virtual nature makes them accessible to a broader audience that may not otherwise be engaged in traditional group settings because of geographic, logistical, or health-related barriers.

Some Stats and Info About Virtual Treatment for Mental Health and Substance Addiction

Some Stats and Info About Virtual Treatment for Mental Health and Substance Addiction

  • Online mental health may play an important role in reducing the stigma attached to mental health. Using virtual treatment can also help those with limited mobility and it is compatible with public health guidelines during highly infectious seasons.
  • A national poll by the American Psychiatric Association showed expansion of telehealth services has been welcomed by Americans. From 2020 to 2021, the percentage of people using telehealth services rose 7% and nearly 60% are willing to use telehealth for mental health care.
  • People responding to a survey by the American Psychiatric Association found mental health telehealth offers the same quality services, and younger adults were more likely to use it than older adults.
  • A study by Verywell Mind revealed that 91% of people using online mental health therapy said that more people should try it.
  • Portland State University found those receiving online therapy scored higher in the Global Assessment of Functioning and Client Satisfaction Scales.
  • Teletherapy helps eliminate some of the barriers to mental health care. According to the National Council for Behavioral Health, more than 50% of Americans found mental health too hard to get or too expensive.
  • You can receive mental health in the privacy of your home and access providers on a flexible schedule. However, online treatment sessions may be impacted by unstable internet connections and may not be comfortable for people who need help with overall communication skills.
What We Treat

Treatment Programs

Medical Detox Center

Inpatient Treatment Program

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

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