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Warning Signs of Xanax Abuse

Xanax is in the benzodiazepine drug class and is a treatment for those struggling with panic and anxiety disorders. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 6.8 million adults report having generalized anxiety disorder, and 6 million adults report the diagnosis of panic disorder.

Considering these numbers, learning the warning signs of Xanax abuse is an essential safety component of treatment. Xanax is a highly addictive prescription medication that, even without misuse, can lead to building a high tolerance and physical dependency. 

Xanax Abuse Facts

The danger of Xanax remains with long-term or recreational use. A specific population takes Xanax as a recreational sedative to self-medicate. After building a physical dependence on Xanax, withdrawal can be difficult and unpleasant. Knowing the warning signs of Xanax abuse can help prevent the need for professional Xanax detox.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released the following information in their 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health Report

As summarized, people aged 12 and over, including 16.1 million, have misused prescription psychotherapeutic drugs in the past year. Within the 16.1 population misusing mental health treatment medications, 4.8 million were abusing benzodiazepines.

Young adults held the highest percentage of users between the ages of 18 to 25. Benzos are also prescription medications for the treatment of insomnia, and again, the young adult population was the highest population misusing benzodiazepines in the study. 

Warning Signs of Xanax Abuse

Many people familiar with the warning signs of Xanax abuse are already caught up in developing tolerance and physical dependency and have lost control. The highly addictive drug Xanax can induce amnesia, hostile behavior, irritability, and disturbing dreams. The warning signs are not just psychological; there are specific effects on the body. Slowing down the central nervous system induces sleepiness and a relaxed mood. 

Specific warning signs of long-term Xanax abuse can include any of the following:

  • Sedation and drowsiness
  • Irritability and hostility
  • Dizziness and blurred vision
  • Double vision and headaches
  • Memory problems
  • Lack of focus and coordination
  • Swollen hands and feet
  • Nausea, vomiting and upset stomach
  • Dry mouth and slurred speech
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Tremors
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Sleep disruption and insomnia
  • Appetite and weight changes
  • Depression or worsening depression

Why Do People Abuse Xanax?

Although many who are abusing Xanax are aware of the warning signs of Xanax abuse, several factors interfere with their better judgment to stop using the medication. Managing very stressful mental conditions, such as anxiety and panic disorders, Xanax produces a euphoric, relaxed, and pleasurable state of mind. For those taking Xanax properly as prescription advice directs, long-term use builds a tolerance for the drug resulting in the need to take more than directed to reach the desired effect. 

Unfortunately for the user, as dosages increase, there is a struggle between understanding and recognizing the warning signs of Xanax abuse, the cravings for the drug, and unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control the dosage. Studies show that even though adverse effects of abusing Xanax occur, the cravings are too strong to fight.

Another danger to consider is that most near-fatal overdoses with Xanax are due to polydrug use or a combination of substances. High dosages of Xanax combined with alcohol or other substances can be very dangerous but exist because the user has built a high tolerance to the drug and seeks the desired level of intoxication. 

Effects of Xanax Abuse

Those who are psychologically and physically dependent on Xanax are experiencing a desired escape from their problems, responsibilities, and lifestyle. The cumulative effect of Xanax abuse draws the user in and develops the idea that living without the drug is impossible. The warning signs of Xanax abuse may be significant, but users ignore them. Relationships, work, school, or life responsibilities suffer dramatically in long-term Xanax abuse. 

Those addicted to Xanax will undoubtedly resist the idea of detox and treatment. The new normal is the Xanax high they experience, and they cannot believe they can cope without the drug. Hundreds of thousands of people are struggling with Xanax abuse. Long-term Xanax abuse affects memory, cognitive processes, and physical capabilities. 

Long-term effects of Xanax abuse include any of the following:

  • Thoughts of harming oneself (suicidal ideation}
  • Depression
  • Hostility and aggressive behaviors
  • Hallucinations and seizures
  • Chest pains
  • Uncontrollable muscle movements
  • Hyperactivity

Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms and Detox

For those who recognize the warning signs of Xanax abuse in a loved one or friend, you may want to help encourage detox and treatment.

Unfortunately, withdrawal from Xanax can be a serious and complex process that requires taper management to withdraw from the drug. Roughly 40% of those who detox from Xanax experience severe withdrawal symptoms. It is imperative to receive medical management in a professional detox program for Xanax abuse. 

Withdrawal symptoms from Xanax abuse can include, at different levels of intensity, any of the following symptoms:

  • Restlessness and insomnia
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Hand tremors, muscle spasms, and unintentional movements
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating and confusion
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Heart palpitations
  • Hallucinations, delirium, and seizures

In some cases of Xanax abuse, a recurrence of withdrawal-type symptoms can occur after detoxification and treatment. This is a proven syndrome called Post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) and can appear out of nowhere, so awareness of the possibility is imperative. There is no standard time frame for the symptoms to persist, but they can occur for weeks or months before subsiding. To ensure relapse prevention, understanding how to manage these symptoms can help maintain sobriety. 

Common symptoms of PAWS can include:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Irritability
  • Memory problems
  • Drug cravings
  • Cognitive decline
  • Problems with interpersonal skills
  • Sensitivity to stress
  • Obsessive-compulsive behaviors

Find the Support You Need for Xanax Addiction in Tennessee

Successful recovery is possible for Xanax addiction with Freeman Recovery Center in Tennessee. Medical detox programs are available and managed by medical and mental health professionals. Treatment options are available to learn how to live independently without the use of substances.

Contact Freeman Recovery Center today for more information and to begin recovery. 


Long-Term Effects of Alcoholism

Long-term alcoholism is responsible for adverse health complications, a higher-than-normal chance of sexual assault, and suicide. Statistics concerning alcohol abuse are difficult to believe, but unfortunately, ring true in the United States today. According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS), 140,557 Americans die from the effects of alcohol in an average year. Furthermore, 1 in 10 Americans over age 12 have an alcohol use disorder. 

The effects of alcohol abuse are often chronic rather than acute health problems. Alcoholic liver disease is the primary health concern, which causes 19.1% of all alcohol-related deaths. Alcohol affects cardiovascular health dramatically, involving blood pressure and an elevation of chance of stroke. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) states that women using alcohol moderately increase their risk for breast cancer. 

Alcoholism Facts and Stats

According to NCDAS, in 2020, men contributed to over half of the population with an alcohol use disorder, with 14.8 million people overall diagnosed. Even more alarming is that girls aged 12 to 17 are 61.5% more likely to have an alcohol use disorder than boys. Emerging trends in alcohol abuse involve high-intensity drinking (HID), which defines consumption of alcohol at levels 2 or more times the gender-specific binge drinking thresholds. 

High-intensity drinking statistics include:

  • High-intensity drinking peaks at age 21
  • 80 to 90% of young adults celebrate their 21st birthday with alcohol
  • High-intensity drinking is associated with aggression and injury
  • Each year, 97,000 sexual assaults by American college students involve alcohol

Deaths from long-term alcoholism include the following statistics:

  • 53.7% of alcohol-related deaths are due to chronic misuse
  • Alcohol poisoning is another leading killer, causing 32% of acute alcohol-related deaths
  • Nearly 100,000 annual deaths are attributable to alcohol abuse, with more than half due to long-term use
  • 140,557 Americans die from the effects of alcohol in an average year

Long-Term Effects of Alcoholism on the Body

Long-term alcoholism is especially dangerous to those with certain heart conditions, high blood pressure, and stroke. Alcoholic liver disease is another significant physical illness linked to long-term alcohol use. The pancreas and kidneys are also adversely affected by heavy alcohol consumption. In addition, gastrointestinal problems are common in those who drink alcohol long-term. 

Alcoholism can weaken the immune system, which makes the body prone to more disease. Pneumonia and tuberculosis are common diseases in long-term alcoholics. A weak immune system also slows the body’s ability to heal and ward off other infections. Long-term alcoholism raises the chance of developing certain cancers. 

Long-Term Effects of Alcoholism on the Brain

Long-term alcoholism has a detrimental effect on the brain, although there are adverse effects even with short-term use, including memory loss and blackouts. Wernicke’s encephalopathy, a severe brain condition, can develop over time from thiamine and Vitamin B1 deficiencies due to alcohol misuse. The condition causes extreme mental confusion, lack of muscle coordination, and paralysis of nerves.

Another unfortunate circumstance is that 80 to 90% of alcoholics with Wernicke’s also develop Korsakoff’s psychosis. Korsakoff’s psychosis leads to cognitive decline, including forgetfulness and an inability to develop and hold new memories. Long-term alcoholism affects the neurotransmitters in the brain, causing a failure to make sound judgments, control drinking alcohol, or make good decisions.

Unfortunately, although physical conditions develop, causing pain or discomfort, the user cannot stop drinking. The brain’s chemistry is also dependent upon the continual ingestion of alcohol. 

Risk Factors for Alcoholism: Genetics

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism relays essential risk factors for the population to develop an alcohol use disorder. Genetics or family history of long-term alcoholism is a significant risk factor. Those choosing to drink alcohol excessively or binge drink, consuming alcohol before age 15, have existing mental health conditions, high stress, and a history of childhood abuse or trauma are other leading risk factors. 

Genetics or family history generates a 50 to 60% vulnerability of an alcohol use disorder to develop. An individual’s genetic makeup can affect biological processes, mental states, and traits, which include physiological responses to alcohol and stress, neurobiology associated with addiction, and behavioral tendencies based on impulsivity.

Family history involves 12.1% of children under 17 who live with at least one parent with an AUD. Single-parent households present with 9.3% of fathers being alcoholic and 6.3% of mothers. 

Examples of genetic factors include the following:

  • Genetic response to alcohol consumption or innate alcohol tolerance: This appears as an ability to hold their liquor, and results in a likelihood to drink heavily and develop an alcohol use disorder
  • Inherited alcohol metabolism: Certain populations carry a genetic variation influencing liver enzymes responsible for ethanol metabolism. It builds up acetaldehyde. These enzymes are responsible for physical side effects, limiting the amounts of alcohol they can tolerate and an increased risk of particular cancer. 
  • A genetic vulnerability to the elements of addiction: Addiction-related neurotransmitter systems

Risk Factors for Alcoholism: Environment 

Environmental factors, including external stressors, are a significant risk factor in developing an alcohol use disorder. Accumulation of substantial stressors throughout life, trauma, and abuse impact drinking patterns, most likely to be heavy involvement with alcohol.

Mental health conditions are often a result of genetic and environmental factors that raise stress levels, anxiety, and depression. Unfortunately, long-term alcoholism can increase the severity of anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. 

The following statistics involve mental health conditions and alcohol use disorders (dual diagnosis disorders):

  • Those under treatment for anxiety disorders include 20 to 40% also experiencing an alcohol use disorder.
  • Those under treatment or had treatment for a depressive disorder include 40% with an alcohol use disorder.
  • 36 to 91% of people with an alcohol use disorder have also had treatment for a sleep disorder. 
  • 40 to 50% of men and women with an alcohol use disorder have had another substance use disorder in their lifetime.

Find Treatment Options for Long-Term Alcoholism in Tennessee 

Fortunately, successful treatment options for long-term alcoholism exist, and Freeman Recovery Center in Tennessee offers several options. Medical detox programs include medication-assisted treatment, and cognitive-behavioral therapy assists in forming new behavioral patterns and is an evidence-based therapy. Inpatient and outpatient programs are available, and the admissions department is familiar with processing insurance.

Contact us to receive additional information and to begin the journey towards sobriety. 

Dangers of Prescription Drug Abuse

Healthcare providers issue millions of prescriptions for the treatment of legitimate health concerns. However, prescription drug abuse can occur when patients misuse their medications over time. The dangers of prescription drug abuse can adversely affect mental and physical health, and the development of addiction is often unintentional. The simple act of taking a friend’s prescription medication can negatively impact well-being and lead to abuse.  

In other cases, illicit prescription drug abuse begins with a desire for recreational use to get high. Misuse includes taking drugs to achieve euphoric or depressant effects they can induce. The misconception that more is better leads to abuse and can quickly result in addiction. The public must understand the dangers of prescription drug abuse before misusing their medication.  

The Most Commonly Misused Prescription Drugs

Prescription medications are effective for their intended purpose when used correctly. Moreover, prescription drug abuse can quickly develop with unintentional misuse. Prescription drug use for non-medical reasons can produce significant adverse symptoms.

The dangers of prescription drug abuse typically include 3 types of medications. The most commonly misused prescription drugs include:

  • Stimulant prescriptions for treating ADHD and narcolepsy, like Adderall, Concerta, and Ritalin, speed up brain activity to increase focus, energy, and attention span.
  • Sedative or depressant prescriptions for treating anxiety, panic attacks, and sleep disorders, like Valium, Xanax, and Ambien, work to slow down brain and central nervous system functions.
  • Opioid prescriptions for treating moderate to severe pain, like Vicodin, OxyContin, and Percocet, block the pain messages to the brain and produce euphoric feelings. 

Signs Of Prescription Drug Abuse: Statistics

Prescription drug abuse develops for various reasons, including misusing a prescription from a healthcare provider by not following prescription advice. Taking a friend’s pain pills instead of going to the doctor also misuses prescription medications. Recreational drug use to achieve the desired effect is abusing medications. The dangers of prescription drug abuse can affect all demographics for many reasons. 

Learning the signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse can prevent an addiction. Teens and young adults use prescription medications at alarming levels. Without education, parents may miss the signs of prescription drug misuse. Teens and young adults are experiencing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, taking Adderall, and their counterparts can quickly develop an addiction if abuse is present. The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics states that in 2020, 614,000 aged 12-17 admitted to using Adderall for non-medical reasons at some point in time.   

Signs Of Prescription Drug Abuse

The following are signs and symptoms of  addiction in connection with the type of prescription drug. The dangers of prescription drug abuse are apparent with the drugs’ effects on breathing, the heart, and cognitive thinking. Furthermore, risky behaviors come into play, leading to severe problems with lifestyle and relationships. Finally, overdose and dangerous drug combinations could lead to death. 

Opioid prescription medications:

  • Constipation and nausea
  • Poor coordination
  • Feeling high
  • Slowed breathing rate
  • Drowsiness and confusion
  • A higher dosage to acquire pain relief
  • Worsening or increased sensitivity to pain with higher doses

Anti-anxiety medicines and sedatives:

  • Drowsiness and confusion
  • Unsteady walking and dizziness
  • Slurred speech
  • Poor concentration and memory problems
  • Slowed breathing

Stimulant prescription medications:

  • Increased alertness
  • Feeling high
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • High blood pressure and body temperature
  • Reduced appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Agitation and anxiety
  • Paranoia

Other general signs of prescription drug abuse can include:

  • Forging, stealing, or selling prescriptions and doctor shopping
  • Taking higher doses than prescribed
  • Drastic mood swings with periods of hostility
  • Sleeping less or more and periods of drowsiness
  • Making poor decisions
  • Periods of unusual energy
  • Requesting early refills or continually “losing” prescriptions to qualify for additional medications.

Severe Effects of Prescription Drugs

The dangers of prescription drug abuse can be deadly. High-dose addiction, polydrug use, and the addition of alcohol consumption have severe physical consequences. Prolonged prescription drug abuse can adversely affect relationships, lifestyle, occupation, and education. Psychological symptoms are pervasive as well. 

Long-term prescription drug abuse leads to physical dependence and addiction. As tolerance builds, the individual needs higher dosages to achieve the same results. It is difficult to stop using the drugs without help when physical dependence occurs. Often, the withdrawal symptoms are intolerable, and the use continues. 

Other consequences and effects of prescription drug abuse include:

  • Drastic mood swings
  • Erratic and risky behavior
  • Extreme confusion
  • Sleep dysfunction
  • Hyperactivity and anxiety, or hypotension
  • Negative change in hygiene and appearance
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Overdose, coma, and death
  • Incarceration from risky behavior
  • Deterioration of relationships and divorce

Effects of Mixing Multiple Prescription Drugs  

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2019, nearly half of deaths due to drug use involved more than 1 substance. Polysubstance abuse involves ingesting more than 1 substance, including using multiple prescription drugs. 

It is essential to give the doctor a list of all medications to avoid adverse reactions because of drug interactions. Mixing different stimulant prescription drugs can increase the risk of brain injury, liver damage, heart attack, and stroke. Additionally, mixing depressant prescription drugs can cause damage to the brain and organs, induce overdose through breathing difficulties, and death.

Combining stimulants and depressants can be unpredictable and trick individuals into thinking the drugs are ineffective. This thinking can lead to an overdose. Finally, mixing alcohol with prescription drugs can damage the brain, heart, and other organs and increase the risk of overdose. 


Prescription drug abuse is treatable. Once an individual seeks treatment, a healthcare provider assesses and evaluates, and medical detox plans follow. To avoid complications, a medically monitored detox in a safe environment, usually a professional treatment center, is the best option for prescription drug detox. Medication-assisted treatment may be beneficial in lessening withdrawal intensity. Treatment, including counseling and behavioral therapies, needs to follow to avoid relapse. 

Find Treatment in Tennessee

Choosing the ideal treatment center for prescription drug addiction can be challenging, but Freeman Recovery Center in Tennessee stands out amongst the best. The center offers various treatment options to provide customizable treatment plans. From assessment to sober living options after treatment, the center’s goal is to see continued sobriety in their patients.

Contact Freeman Recovery Center to speak to their understanding and compassionate staff. 


Early Stages of Meth Abuse

Recognizing the early stages of meth abuse in someone close may be the key to saving their life. Drug addiction, specifically methamphetamine addiction, is 1 of the most hazardous substance use disorders because of the caustic chemical components and how they harshly affect the user.

A powerful stimulant substance, meth is highly addictive and interacts with chemicals in the brain, serotonin, and dopamine. This produces a euphoric rush. The danger lies in the user wanting to maintain a high level of euphoria through continual use with close frequency. 

Dangers of Meth Abuse

Methamphetamine will adversely affect multiple body systems, which makes hiding the substance use disorder difficult. In the early stages of meth abuse, the drug plays havoc with the happy chemicals in the brain, serotonin and dopamine, which control mood, feelings of pleasure, sleep, appetite, memory, and motor system function.

Furthermore, the effects can last for up to 12 hours but cause intense cravings for more immediately after the crash. Addiction results because the user will develop a binge and crash pattern to maintain the desired level of euphoria. 

Cravings for meth are known to be stronger than those for cocaine or heroin. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), it is typical for a user to go on a run when continual drug ingestion takes place for a long time. The user either runs out of the drug or an overdose.

Tolerance for meth builds quickly, and finding pleasure anywhere else but the drug creates a cycle of abuse. Understanding the early stages of meth abuse may help identify problems with a user’s teeth, open skin sores, and constant scratching of skin. Stopping the cycle of abuse as soon as it is recognized is vital for limiting irreversible health problems and mental disintegration.

Dangerous consequences of meth abuse include the following:

  • Tooth loss
  • Organ failure
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Permanent memory loss
  • An inability to understand abstract thoughts
  • Uncontrollable mood swings with aggressive outbursts
  • Contracting HIV or Hepatitis C

Although methamphetamine prescriptions for managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and sleep disorders are safe, meth found on the street is hazardous. It’s no wonder the early signs of meth abuse are behavioral, physical, and mental when considering the compounds found in street meth. Caustic chemical components in street meth that can be extremely dangerous in human consumption. 

The following substances could be in street methamphetamine:

  • Battery acid or lighter fluid
  • Ammonia or ether
  • Drain cleaner and paint thinner
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Engine cleaner

Behavioral Signs and Symptoms of Early Meth Abuse

The early signs of meth abuse may be significant and easy to identify, but many family and friends fear addressing their concerns. Depending upon how meth is ingested, various signs and symptoms will align.

Meth can be snorted, injected, eaten, or smoked, with users leaving behind small bags with white powder, pieces of foil, and syringes as signs of meth use. It can be beneficial to seek professional help to understand the most effective method of addressing the problem. 

Common behavioral symptoms to look for in the early signs of meth abuse include the following:

  • Unusual increase in energy, euphoria, and excitement for abnormal periods
  • Changes in eating and sleeping habits, including insomnia and weight loss
  • Increased moments of nervousness, restlessness, and being jittery
  • Signs of what may be symptoms of an eating disorder
  • Disruptions or problems with lifestyle, work, family, and other relationships

Physical Signs and Symptoms of Early Meth Abuse

The early signs of meth abuse that show physically can sometimes be alarming when initially seen. The physical effects of meth on the body are apparent. Some people experiencing meth abuse feel like bugs are crawling underneath their skin, and they continually scratch themselves. An overall change in appearance will occur quickly and prove an apparent change in physical health. 

Common physical symptoms revealing the early signs of meth abuse include the following:

  • Involuntary tics or twitchy movements
  • Continual scratching of the skin
  • Sores and open wounds, some may look infected, on the face, arms, and legs
  • Jaw clenching
  • Elevated body temperature and heavy sweating
  • Headaches and nosebleeds
  • Dilated pupils, sunken eyes
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Tremors
  • Bad breath or dry mouth
  • Severe dental issues
  • Burn marks on lips or fingers
  • Lung infections
  • Difficulty swallowing

Mental Signs and Symptoms of Early Meth Abuse

Mood instability stems from the connection between the drug and how it affects brain chemistry. The early signs of meth abuse involving the mental capacity of those with a meth use disorder come in unusual forms linked to meth addiction.

It may seem like a loved one may have developed a new personality overnight. Family and friends surrounding someone showing the early signs of meth abuse need to investigate immediately and take action to seek treatment. 

Common mental symptoms revealing the early signs of meth abuse include the following:

  • Extreme paranoia
  • Hallucinations and delusions
  • Intense mood swings and increased impulsivity
  • Increasing secrecy
  • Increased moments of aggression
  • Chronic depression
  • Anxiety
  • Memory problems
  • Psychosis

Why Detox Matters

For those who recognize the early signs of meth abuse and decide to seek treatment, detox is the next step. Safe detox from methamphetamine is possible in a professional treatment center with medical monitoring. Psychosis and depression are symptoms of withdrawal from meth, so detoxification with the possibility of medication-assisted treatment is the best plan.

Detoxing at home without professional guidance can be dangerous and lead to relapse. Medical, emotional, and psychological support is essential for detoxification from meth. Many people experience co-occurring mental health conditions that require treatment, as well.

Treatment options following professional detox are beneficial to begin immediately to prevent relapse. Therapy can help to learn new coping mechanisms, positive thinking, and behavior modification techniques to continue living a sober lifestyle. 

Get Detox for Early Stages of Meth Abuse in Tennessee

Finding the ideal treatment center to address the needs of someone in the early stages of meth abuse in Tennessee may initially seem challenging. Freeman Recovery Center in Tennessee offers medically monitored detox and various treatment options following detox for methamphetamine abuse. The professional and experienced staff understand those with a substance use disorder and show compassion and kindness through the recovery journey.

Contact us today for more information on the treatments we offer. 


Signs of Fentanyl Abuse

Fentanyl alleviates severe pain from surgery or injury and is a potent and heavily monitored medication. Unfortunately, the signs of fentanyl abuse are present through the high numbers of overdose deaths due to this drug.

Legitimate prescriptions facilitating the needs of those with high pain levels, fentanyl has put those with a substance use disorder in grave danger. Illegally produced fentanyl is the cause of death from unintentional fentanyl poisoning throughout the United States. 

Illegal fentanyl is extremely attractive due to the euphoria it induces, but it is also highly addictive and unregulated, causing an escalating risk. Illicit fentanyl has unknown toxic substances that add to the dangerous consequences. Prescription misuse and abuse of fentanyl is another high-risk choice. It is essential to know and recognize the signs of fentanyl abuse because the fentanyl crisis is everywhere and deadly. 

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid in 2 types: pharmaceutical and illegally produced. The primary purpose of fentanyl was to treat cancer pain and other excruciating health conditions. Fentanyl binds to the natural opioid receptors in the brain immediately after ingestion to induce an intense sense of euphoria while relieving the extreme pain. Prescription fentanyl is available as a skin patch, dissolvable tablets, or film. 

Opioids are highly addictive, and those with a legal prescription can quickly develop abuse or addiction, and fentanyl is one of the most potent opioids. It is possible to create an addiction after only one drug use. Fentanyl is fifty times stronger than heroin and one hundred times stronger than morphine. Small doses of fentanyl can be deadly; therefore, the signs of fentanyl abuse must be available when issuing a prescription.

Fentanyl Statistics

The U.S. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) claims that over one hundred fifty people die daily from synthetic opioids like fentanyl. Illegal fentanyl contains unknown substances, which increases the risk of overdose. Unfortunately, contributing to the opioid crisis, illicit fentanyl is unknowingly added to other drugs, causing overdose and death. It is not uncommon to find a combination of fentanyl and heroin used intravenously. 

The statistics surrounding fentanyl are grim. The Centers for Disease Control states that the rate of overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids in 2021 was approximately 22 times greater than in 2013. Additionally, in 2021, nearly 71,000 deaths were related to synthetic opioids other than methadone. One-fifth of those taking prescription fentanyl were misusing it in 2021. And finally, an unbelievable statistic states that since 2017, fentanyl trafficking offenses have escalated by 950%.

The signs of fentanyl abuse can appear in those taking legal prescription fentanyl. Deaths from overdose as a result of legal prescriptions continue to rise. Prescription fentanyl is the answer for those who have tried other opioid pain medications without relief. Highly addictive and deadly if abuse is present. Thus, understanding what to look for that would indicate a problem is crucial. 

Illegally made fentanyl (IMF) is a street drug in different forms, such as liquid or powder. Combination forms of illicit fentanyl include heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. The liquid form of fentanyl is sold as a nasal spray, eye drops, and dropped onto paper or candy. Other drugs can contain a small amount of fentanyl, with users unaware, thus causing overdose or death. 

Street names for illegally made fentanyl include the following:

  • Apache
  • Dance Fever
  • Friend
  • Goodfellas
  • Jackpot 
  • Murder 8
  • Tango and Cash

What Are The Effects of Fentanyl?

The signs of fentanyl abuse are recognizable through behavior, physical condition, and thinking changes. These changes accumulate, causing adverse consequences in all aspects of life. The signs and symptoms of abuse are warning signs resulting in the following effects.

Without treatment, those abusing fentanyl can face fatal or severe possibilities, including: 

  • Overdose and even death
  • Physical damage to vital organs
  • Possibility of contracting HIV or hepatitis
  • Escalation in the severity of other health conditions
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Lifestyle problems with relationships and work
  • Loss of child custody
  • Isolation, the result of the failure in relationships
  • Legal difficulties
  • Addiction to other illicit substances

Watching for the following signs and symptoms of fentanyl abuse could lead to treatment:

  • Extreme drowsiness, fatigue, and even nodding off inappropriately
  • Slurring of words and lack of coordination
  • Inability to attend to responsibilities and relationships
  • Swollen hands and feet
  • Extreme moodiness
  • Constipation, nausea, and vomiting
  • Taking a prescription more often than the prescription calls for
  • Financial troubles

Fentanyl Withdrawal

After recognizing the signs of fentanyl abuse, it is imperative to seek treatment. Abusing fentanyl over a short time will develop a tolerance and dependence on the drug. The brain and the body require medication to maintain certain functioning levels. When dosages drop or cease, the body will experience withdrawal symptoms, which can be severe with fentanyl. 

Withdrawal symptoms from fentanyl include any of the following:

  • Muscle aches
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Runny nose
  • Dilated pupils
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea

What To Do If A Loved One Has A Fentanyl Addiction

Once the signs of fentanyl abuse are apparent in a loved one, it is time to search for a treatment center to treat fentanyl addiction. Medically monitored detox is the safest method, so making a list of centers with these criteria can be helpful.

It can be tough or challenging to voice concerns with a loved one about drug abuse. Taking a nonjudgmental and loving approach will help break through denial and defensiveness. Becoming a solid support system for a loved one may take some educational time to learn how to support in a healthy, positive manner.

Being supportive can be stressful at times but also life-saving. Those with a strong support system have better odds of successful treatment completion. Participating in family and other group sessions can be rewarding for all parties. 

Fentanyl Detox

Due to the toxicity of fentanyl and the synthetic derivatives of fentanyl, detoxification is mandatory before treatment can begin. An assessment is the initial step upon intake to determine the personal factors of the habit. A healthcare provider must evaluate the patient’s condition and obtain a health history. Medically monitored detox is the safest form of detoxification. 

Pharmaceutical intervention is also known as medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Medication management allows for using other drugs to ease withdrawal symptoms for the patient’s comfort. A professional healthcare provider prescribes medications, and the medical team monitors the medication’s effectiveness. Treatment can begin once the detox is done.

Find A Safe Detox Program for Fentanyl Abuse in Tennessee

With so many addiction treatment centers, searching for detox for fentanyl abuse may seem impossible. Freeman Recovery Center is the ideal treatment center for fentanyl detox, offering medically monitored detox programs which is the safest form of detox.  Family and friends play an essential role in recovery, so we look forward to working with the loved one’s support team. 

We welcome you to contact us, so we can answer questions, describe our successful treatment methods, and offer encouragement for a successful recovery.

What is Polydrug Use?

Individuals using multiple substances to achieve a desired effect for recreational use have a problem. Mixing substances such as drugs and alcohol or 2 types of legal or illicit drugs often amplify the effects.

Another reason for polydrug use is to use one drug to counteract the effects of another drug. In any case, polydrug use increases the danger of overdose and adverse symptoms.  As such, getting detox is vital.

Defining Polydrug Use

People diagnosed with polydrug use may wonder, what is polydrug use? The specific term polydrug points to polysubstance use as well in some diagnoses. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in 2019, nearly half of drug overdose deaths involved polydrug use. Polydrug use can be intentional or unintentional, but those with unintended use often forget to tell their healthcare providers about other drugs they may be taking when receiving a new prescription. 

Polydrug use involves both illicit and legal substance use simultaneously within a short timeframe. Alcohol is a common choice for polydrug users. People with polydrug use possess knowledge of the effects of different drugs. Unfortunately, using more than one substance can be very dangerous. Continual use of more than one substance develops additional risks of overdose.

For those still wondering what is polydrug use, here are some examples. Using sleeping pills to counteract the stimulating effects of methamphetamine is one form of manipulating the effects of drugs. A perilous combination is methamphetamine laced with fentanyl for a particular outcome. Those who combine 2 separate opioids are at increased danger of inducing breathing difficulties. 

Reasoning behind polydrug use may include the following factors:

  • An inability to access specific drugs results in substitutions to achieve the same desired effect.
  • Someone drinking alcohol may not consider the impact of taking another substance at the same time.
  • An uninformed attempt to reduce dependence on one drug by using combinations of others.

Polydrug Use Stats

Alcohol is one of the most common denominators in polydrug use. The CDC reports that a study from 2020 shows that just over 10% of people with a substance use disorder also misuse alcohol. Studies prove that polydrug use escalation began between 2017 and 2018. During this year, emergency rooms reported 967,615 non-fatal drug overdoses. In fact, in 18 states in this period, polydrug overdose stats rose by almost 40%.

The study delving into what is polydrug use showed that overdoses of cocaine, amphetamine, and benzos also involved opioids in 2019. The determination includes men and women of all age groups in the findings and—in combination with other data—finds that almost 60% of those in treatment have used more than 1 drug simultaneously.

These findings are responsible for initiating community-based programs for people who use drugs and increasing treatment opportunities that offer naloxone for people who use stimulants. 

Prescription Polydrug Abuse

Taking combinations of opioids is a common problem for what is polydrug use. Subsequently, mixing different over-the-counter medications has a role in polydrug use. 

Research provides an increase in opioid use with benzos, which can lead to overdose and adverse breathing difficulties. For example, pain relief medications, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, antihistamines, and over-the-counter medicines mixed with benzos can lead to overdose. 

Other hazardous side effects of what is polydrug use include any of the following:

  • Heart attack or stroke, rapid or slowed heart rate
  • Brain damage
  • Organ failure
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Complications in pregnancy
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness

Illicit Polydrug Abuse

The dangers of what is polydrug use involving illegal drugs are far more common and hazardous. Compounds included in illicit drugs are unknown, causing adverse effects without predictability. Heroin and cocaine use, called speedballing, is a common practice in some cases, in hopes of the depressant canceling out the negative impact of the stimulant.

Unfortunately, this line of thinking is false, and the user hangs on to a false sense of sobriety, which could culminate in an overdose. Another dangerous combination is cocaine and ecstasy, both being stimulants. While the effects of the drugs are more intensive, they can also escalate the chance of heart attack or stroke.

Mixing alcohol with stimulants is another attempt to cancel out the rush of the stimulant with a depressant, but it can cause adverse reactions and a chance of overdose. Thus, illicit polydrug use can present complex consequences during detox. 

The Withdrawal and Detox Process

What is polydrug use going to do to affect the mind and body during withdrawal and detox? Withdrawal from polydrug use is more complicated and presents specific challenges in detox. Around-the-clock, medically monitored detox is a must for a safe detox environment is typical, but for polydrug use, inpatient medical detox is a recommendation. 

Medication-assisted treatment is advisable to lessen the intensity of specific withdrawal symptoms, such as severe gastrointestinal issues. Antidepressants are often a consideration to address mood changes and flare-ups. In some cases, a tapering technique helps to reduce the drugs in the body slowly to aid in lessening the intensity of the adverse symptoms. What is polydrug use relapse prevention and how does it differ from typical detox programs?  

Inpatient residential treatment is advisable with and following detox for polydrug users. Individual and group therapy are supportive techniques applied with medication-assisted treatment that increase the odds of a successful start to a sober lifestyle. Learning new healthy and positive coping methods as soon as possible prevents early relapse. Those with a substance use disorder that includes polydrug use, can experience successful treatment and live a happy and productive life. 

Find Qualified Treatment in Tennessee

If family members are still asking, what is polydrug use because it is difficult to grasp this type of addiction, Freeman Recovery Center in Tennessee can address everyone’s concerns. We provide many options for successful recovery from all types of addiction, including polydrug use. We offer medically monitored detox and can explain the process fully to ease anxieties and apprehensions.

Contact us to begin a sober lifestyle and find well-being and peace of mind.

Recognizing the Signs of Relapse

Recovery is a process and often includes signs of relapse. In fact, over three-quarters of those who complete treatment relapse within the first year following completion of treatment. Addiction treatment professionals advise making a relapse prevention plan to recognize the signs of early relapse after completing treatment is an essential tool.

For this reason, family and friends must also have an education concerning relapse prevention to support the loved one struggling to stay sober. 

Understanding Why Relapse Occurs

Understanding why relapse occurs is critical to a strong relapse prevention plan. For example, emotional stability is possible through understanding how to recognize emotions and feelings that are challenging to cope with. Mindfulness practice helps to identify when new healthy and positive coping mechanisms can replace old negative and hurtful ones. Consequently, sobriety can continue, and recovery stays steady. 

However, slips in coping happen, and the brain is a powerful entity to deal with. Negative thoughts are easy to return to in times of extreme stress, challenging situations, and quick unplanned change, and they can be signs of early relapse. Without recognizing the significance of particular thought processes, the foundation for relapse is building. Relapse is, by definition, a return to using a substance or alcohol after a period of sobriety, and a mental relapse begins the cycle. 

Suddenly the urges and cravings associated with addiction cause conflicting feelings about sobriety. They glorify their past drug use and forget the negative consequences without understanding how strong these thoughts can be. The pull is strong to use again, and the physical stage of relapse begins when they give in and use the substance again. A strong relapse prevention plan maps out the signs of relapse and steps to take to prevent the initial thoughts from gaining momentum. 

Symptoms of Early Relapse

Those experiencing new sources of stress or a lifestyle change or crisis may trigger signs of early relapse. Managing relapse begins with identifying warning signs, reviewing a written relapse prevention plan, and making plans to prevent relapse. However, signs of relapse can be subtle and difficult to recognize early. A checklist of early signs and symptoms can pinpoint when to reach out for help for relapse prevention. 

The following subtle signs and symptoms of relapse can be unrecognizable when under extreme stress or crisis. If these signs are spotted, visiting a group therapy program may be advisable. 

  • Disruptions in regular eating and sleeping patterns, abandonment of lifestyle structure, and lack of personal hygiene
  • Racing thoughts and an inability to focus or concentrate
  • Negative thoughts overtaking positive coping mechanisms
  • Depression and anxiety symptoms
  • Increased fear, irritability, sadness, agitation, and caution
  • Social withdrawal and increased isolation are often a sign of thoughts of using again and induce feelings of guilt and shame
  • Neglect of essential responsibilities

Factors Contributing to Relapses

People often fail to remember that addiction is a progressive disease and has no foolproof cure. Relapse being a part of addiction, is always possible, so each day must bring a new commitment to sobriety. It is vital to recognize factors contributing to the possibility of relapse.

Group meetings or a sober living program may help to end the relapse and re-establish sobriety. Treatment educational skills must continue daily, and communication with a support team is crucial. Recognizing signs of relapse by addressing the factors contributing to relapse head-on to avoid any possibility of relapse is essential. 

Addressing the factors contributing to relapse is possible by staying aware and present in each moment and practicing mindfulness. The following factors are primary reasons for signs of early relapse. 

  • Chronically increased stress levels: Addiction often occurs as a coping mechanism for stress. Learning healthier and more positive coping mechanisms is vital to recovery, but practice allows for strength in the new habits. Early signs of relapse add a higher stress level once negative thoughts occur, and using again enters into thought processes to relieve the pressure. 
  • Return of denial: Denial of relapse is one of the signs of relapse. Refusal to admit to relapsing or thinking of using again will cause resistance to asking for help. 
  • Losing faith in the recovery program: When things get hard or boredom may happen, some in recovery view their program negatively. Suddenly every support, program, or process is not feeling helpful, and struggles begin, and at times hostility sets in. Loss of commitment to sobriety is one of the early signs of relapse. 

What To Do If Someone Is Relapsing?

Relapse can spiral quickly and addiction can return if there is not an immediate response through outside support. Relapse triggers feelings of loss of control and initiates feelings of guilt and shame. Afraid of rejection, depressed and anxious, those who relapse often try to hide their substance use. In many cases, embarrassment of relapsing increases feelings of loneliness and frustration, increasing the need to use. 

It is essential to reach out with understanding and a nonjudgmental voice to encourage a loved one who is relapsing to contact their therapist, treatment center, or group. The signs of relapse are very noticeable, so the faster the response, the better. Be proactive and help your loved one contact their healthcare provider or therapist to recommit to sobriety. Overall, do not engage in any negative relationship habits that enable your loved one to re-establish the addiction. 

Receive Help for the Early Signs of Relapse in Tennessee

Finding help for a loved one who has been showing signs of relapse can be a productive and proactive factor in their recovery. Contact Freeman Recovery Center to reestablish a connection with a treatment professional and help your loved one to get back on their recovery program.  

Our services can assist with compassionate care and understanding guidance, call us today. 

Long-Acting Versus Short-Acting Benzos

Benzodiazepines are sedative medications that slow down the body and brain’s functions. Long and short-acting benzos treat different conditions with either long-acting effects, staying in the body for a longer period, or short-acting, which act quickly and remain in the body for a shorter term. Benzos increase the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a chemical in the brain that regulates reasoning, memory, emotions, and breathing. As a result, benzodiazepines reduce anxiety, relax muscles, and induce relaxation and sleepiness. 

Therefore, benzodiazepines are treatment options for anxiety, panic, and sleep disorders like insomnia. Anxiety and panic disorders present with different levels and intensities. For this reason, other benzodiazepine medications may be of use depending on the long or short-acting need for effectiveness. Those with insomnia may have difficulty falling asleep, but once asleep, they can stay asleep. For these reasons, long and short-acting benzos are available for the different effects needed to solve the condition. 

Types of Long-Acting Benzos and Short-Acting Benzos

Understanding the effectiveness of long and short-acting benzos begins with the definition of half-life. Half-life describes the length of effectiveness of the drug. Short-acting benzos have a shorter half-life, meaning they process and leave the body in a shorter time. Long-acting benzodiazepines have a longer half-life. Long-acting benzos process over a longer period, staying in the body to be effective against negative symptoms for a longer period. 

Other differences between long and short-acting benzos are the withdrawal symptoms they produce when the drug wears off. Short-acting benzos have a higher risk of withdrawal symptoms because they leave the body quicker, which is more difficult for the body to adapt to. On the other hand, long-acting benzos produce withdrawal symptoms similar to a hangover because they take longer to leave the body. A healthcare provider must assess each patient to determine what type of benzodiazepine will be effective for the diagnosis. 

Examples of short-acting benzos include the following medications:

  • Alprazolam: Xanax
  • Lorazepam: Ativan
  • Lormetazepam: Dormagen

Examples of long-acting benzos include the following medications:

  • Chlordiazepoxide: Librium or Tropium
  • Clonazepam: Rivotril
  • Diazepam: Diazemuls, Diazepam, Stesolid, Tensium
  • Nitrazepam: Mogadon

Effects and Dangers of Long and Short-Acting Benzos

The typical side effects of long and short-acting benzos can vary in intensity and length of time. Each individual has a different metabolism, causing differences in how the body processes medications. Some side effects may diminish quickly, but others may linger and become detectable. Any side effects that become uncomfortable would require notification to the prescribing doctor. 

Typical side effects of long and short-acting benzos can include any of the following symptoms:

  • Drowsiness and light-headedness
  • Confusion and memory problems
  • Unsteadiness and muscle weakness
  • Slurred speech
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation and nausea

Less common side effects of long and short-acting benzos can include any of the following symptoms:

  • Headaches and sight issues, sometimes double vision
  • Low blood pressure
  • Skin rash
  • Increased saliva production
  • Digestive disturbance and incontinence, some difficulty with urinating
  • Shakiness or tremors

Infrequent side effects of long and short-acting benzos include any of the following symptoms:

  • Blood disorder
  • Jaundice
  • Gynecomastia

The Effects of Long and Short-Acting Benzos on Memory

In certain cases, long and short-acting benzos can initiate problems with memory retention, namely, new memories formed while taking medication. Healthcare providers may not prescribe benzos to aid sleep when this side effect occurs. The brain processes memories when asleep; some benzos can disrupt the process. 

Paradoxical effects can result in the benzodiazepines causing opposite effects in some people. This situation is more common in children and short-acting benzos. These oppositional side effects can be any of the following symptoms:

  • Agitation and aggressive behaviors
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations and delusions
  • Depersonalization – feeling detached from surroundings
  • Irritability and personality changes
  • Angry rages
  • Inappropriate behavior, loss of inhibitions
  • Nightmares
  • Psychosis
  • Restlessness
  • Suicidal thoughts or behaviors

Differences Between Long and Short-Acting Benzos

Potency is different in long and short-acting benzos. All benzodiazepines have different potency levels, connecting to the chemical reactions the drug produces in the body. How the body metabolizes benzos is an individual process. Diazepam, for example, has additional benzo chemicals when metabolizing. These chemicals cause the benzo to be long-acting benzo, staying in the body longer. 

Another difference between long and short-acting benzos is their half-life difference. As already discussed, the half-life is when the drug stays and processes in the body. Short-acting benzos can be more difficult to withdraw from; however, a tapering-off process is what most doctors recommend. Lastly, long-acting benzo, with a prescription of a longer time, causes the possibility of misuse or abuse. 

Signs Of Benzodiazepine Abuse

Unfortunately, the potential for benzodiazepine misuse and abuse can erupt after only taking long and short-acting benzos for a few months. Due to the drug’s potency, addiction can happen quickly unless the recognizable warning signs of abuse are known. The desirable effects benzos can produce, through increasing the GABA reception in the brain, may initiate misuse or abuse. Unfortunately, a euphoric high or an alcohol-like buzz is pleasurable but leads to dangerous levels of sedation. 

The signs or symptoms recognizable to benzo misuse or abuse include any of the following physical and behavioral issues:

  • Extreme sweating
  • Drowsiness
  • Shallow breathing
  • Slurred speech
  • Lack of coordination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Taking someone else’s medication for additional dosages
  • Doctor shopping
  • Purchasing benzos illegally on the streets
  • Extreme cravings or withdrawal symptoms
  • Impaired performance at school, home, or work

Detox and Treatment for Long and Short-Acting Benzos

Benzodiazepines affect the brain’s chemical system; therefore those who believe they can quit cold turkey are in grave danger. The intensity of the possible withdrawal symptoms can be extreme when a gradual tapering-off process is not part of detox. Medically monitored detox is the safest recommendation for withdrawal from benzos. 

Those misusing or abusing benzos develop a tolerance to the drug, which is a major consideration in detox. 

Symptoms Of Withdrawal from Benzodiazepines

Tolerance to benzos cause the withdrawal symptoms in detox to be physically and emotionally painful. Those who decide they want to quit cold turkey are in particular danger because the symptoms can be life-threatening. Typically, higher dosages over a long-term usage period have the most intense withdrawal symptoms. The intensity of symptoms fluctuates throughout detox and often begins 1 to 4 days after discontinuing the drug. 

The following symptoms are common to withdrawal from benzodiazepines and can last up to 10 days:

  • Increased tension and anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Difficulties with focus and concentration
  • Excessive sweating
  • Heart palpitations
  • Muscular stiffness, discomfort, and hand tremors
  • Mild to moderate changes in perceptions
  • Extreme cravings

Less common and more severe symptoms in cases of long and severe addiction can include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures
  • Psychosis
  • Risk of suicidal ideation

Get Compassionate Care for Benzo Abuse in Tennessee

Addiction to benzodiazepines can become an unintentional problem in a short period. The Freeman Recovery Center, Tennessee, provides qualified professional detox programs to address benzodiazepine addiction. Medically monitored detox programs are essential to the safety of patients withdrawing from benzo abuse or addiction.

Contact our facility to explore your options for assessment and detox today. 


What Is A Relapse Prevention Plan?

Conceivably, one of the most overlooked components of a treatment plan for a substance use disorder is a solid relapse prevention plan. Relapse is a threat throughout the lifetime of those recovering from a substance use disorder. Without the techniques and skills to counteract it, relapse is a genuine possibility. Sobriety is challenging, and securing recovery with a protection plan is an insightful move. Therefore, creating a written plan before leaving inpatient treatment is recommended. 

What Causes Relapses?

Substance use disorders are chronic diseases with the threat of the brain relapsing to initiate cravings and urges for the eliminated substance. However, building a strong foundation with a solid treatment plan and relapse prevention plan provides additional security measures to protect recovery.  The plan must include vital knowledge for identifying the signs and symptoms of a possible threat to relapse. Most importantly, practicing positive coping skills, including meditation and staying in the present moment, are invaluable tools for checking the possibility of relapse. 

A lack of humility in recovery and understanding the possibility of relapse as a continual threat is another cause of relapse. In addition, those who have completed a treatment program must acknowledge the need for vigilance against triggers, cravings, and urges to use again. The lack of humility and preparation for the moment can be a vulnerable time when triggers pop up and if desires or urges occur through unhealed and still altered brain pathways. As a result, a relapse prevention plan provides for these vulnerable moments to encourage continued sobriety. 

Understanding Emotional and Mental Triggers

A solid, comprehensive relapse prevention plan begins with understanding triggers and how they can affect sobriety. Triggers are events, situations, or thoughts and reasoning responsible for substance use in the past. Individual therapy work in treatment begins with identifying triggers and how to cope with them in sobriety. Recognizing triggers immediately to review healthy and positive coping mechanisms is an initial step in any relapse prevention plan. 

Making a list of known triggers can aid as a reminder that relapse is a possible threat. Designing a relapse prevention plan in a journal can help as a go-to for immediate self-help. It is essential to understand what emotions and feelings trigger negative thought patterns that could lead to relapse. Self-examination and continued individual and group therapies are reliable sources of help for this strategy. 

Two Types of Triggers

External triggers revolve around using opportunities that involve people, places, things, or times of day that are memories of previous habits. External triggers are obvious and predictable, and more avoidable than internal triggers. Internal triggers can be confusing because of the unexpected urge to use. The inability to understand a quick thought of drinking or using, the excitement just before using, or physical sensations as reminders of some aspects of a substance use disorder happen out of the blue. Tracking these triggering moments to try to understand them can be useful in determining the cause. 

Understanding Cravings and Urges

The National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism (NIAAA) states three basic types of cravings exist.  Cravings and urges can rear up without any warning when least expected. Information concerning triggers, cravings, and urges is part of individual therapy immediately following detox. Unfortunately, in some cases, the threat of relapse is not accentuated enough, and being human, people forget essential elements of recovery. 

The three basic cravings types include:

  • Reinforcing model urges extend to behavior that produces pleasant or positive feelings to relieve negative or unpleasant emotions.
  • Social learning modalities involve trigger-related cravings during or after treatment testing confidence levels in resisting the urge.
  • The cognitive processing model is based on the belief that using is habit and problem-solving skills are needed to block habitual use. 

Access Group Support for Relapse Prevention

Living a sober lifestyle is challenging. Still, it is crucial to remember that self-care and self-love are always foremost in maintaining security and happiness. Likewise, a relapse prevention plan depends on thriving in a supportive environment that supports recovery. Group therapy is an evidence-based therapy proven successful for maintaining sobriety for twelve-step programs. For that reason, accessing group support when recognizing dangerous triggers is a wise choice. 

Support groups are available throughout the community, in treatment centers, and places of worship. Online support groups are also functional. Group support is often free of charge and offers understanding, suggestions for self-help techniques, and a safe place to voice relapse concerns. For those struggling to find the right group, contacting your therapist could be an answer. 

Be Open to Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is not just for treatment. Be open to revisiting a therapist who may already possess insights into the situation. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help change behaviors that may have become a problem. If it is not possible to visit a past therapist, a new therapist may see new options and have fresh material to work with. 

As new therapies are developed, it is possible that holistic therapy could be the missing ingredient in your relapse prevention plan. Tweaking the relapse prevention plan with a therapist is insightful and adds to a growing self-awareness. Building trust in the recovery system may lead you to form new relationships with a mental health professional who is in sync with relapse prevention techniques. 

Explore A New Relapse Prevention Strategy in Tennessee

Self-confidence in the achievement of recovery can move forward a step further when individuals take a leap of faith and reach out when relapse potentials occur. Freeman Recovery Center in Tennessee offers compassionate and experienced therapists who can recommend new techniques to prevent relapse. Build trust in our resources, as we can recommend new groups and work out new relapse prevention tools to answer keep the enemy at arm’s length. Reach out again and receive help from a trusted partner in sobriety.

The Stages of Opioid Abuse

What often begins with legal prescriptions to relieve chronic pain, opioid misuse by two million people in the United States is now an alarming crisis. For example, studies reveal about 90 people a day die from an opioid overdose. Unknowingly, the legal prescription of an opioid medication can be the initial starting point of the opioid abuse stages of misuse, abuse, tolerance, and dependence on the drugs. Consequently, how the problems with misuse or abuse begin is unclear, but certain risk factors generate a higher probability of developing a substance use disorder with opioid medication.  

Common opioid pain relievers are hydrocodone or oxycodone are legal prescriptions. In addition, illegal opioid drugs such as heroin, prescription pills, illicit fentanyl, and other substances are illegal and for sale on the streets. Opioid pain relievers may have annoying side effects for some people, which cause them to reject their use. Unfortunately, the results of opioids are pleasurable for some, which leads them to take more and build tolerance and dependence. 

Types of Opioids

Opioids interact directly with nerve cells in the brain, spinal cord, digestive tract, and other places once they enter the body. However, activating the release of endorphins, which reduce pain and create pleasurable feelings, remains an effective pain treatment. When understanding the opioid abuse stages, it is essential to link the effect of pleasant feelings with the temptation to take a higher dosage. Furthermore, investigating the types of opioids and how their production methods are valuable knowledge. 

Medical professionals, pharmacologists, and chemists classify opioids in several ways. The manufacturing process is a simple way to distinguish differences. Other elements, such as frequency or medication dosage, can be considered, such as short- and long-term effectiveness. Healthcare providers determine the type of opioid to prescribe when treating short-term pain control and chronic pain issues. 

The following determinants help to classify opioids through their production:

  • Natural opioids come from the opium poppy plant. Morphine, opium, and heroin fall into this category. Morphine is used to treat medium to severe short-term pain, and Morphine extended-release (MS Contin) for chronic pain.
  • Synthetic opioids are created in a lab through chemical processes. Fentanyl and methadone are examples of synthetic opioids. Methadone (Methadone HCl Intensol) is often a prescription for long-term chronic pain. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. Pharmaceutical fentanyl was originally a treatment to manage pain in cancer patients. 
  • Semi-synthetic opioids are made from opium plants going through a chemical modification. Oxycodone and hydrocodone are the treatment for short-term acute pain. Their extended-release forms are for the treatment of chronic pain. Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) is for moderate to acute short-term pain treatment. 

Stage 1: An Opioid Tolerance

Repeated usage of opioids over a while begins to change the delicate balance of brain chemistry. Tolerance describes the process involving the brain getting used to opioids and adjusting the levels of endorphins it has to produce. To maintain the level of pleasure and pain relief one desires, larger dosages of the drugs are needed. Increasing potency and frequency of opioid usage involves misuse and the next level in the opioid abuse stages. 

Stage 2: An Opioid Dependence

In the additional opioid abuse stages, dependence occurs after tolerance is present, indicating misuse has taken a turn to abuse. Abuse refers to using medications other than how a doctor prescribes them.

Once the body and mind depend on opioids to function, the addiction stage is next. Once dependence is apparent, withdrawal symptoms will occur if opioid dosages do not maintain or increase. If dosages lessen, unpleasant physical and mental withdrawal symptoms can push users to a higher level of intensity. 

Common opioid withdrawal symptoms can include any of the following:

  • Muscle pain or severe cramps
  • Chills
  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Cravings and urges
  • Dilated pupils

Stage 3: Opioid Abuse Stages and Addiction

Opioid use disorders involve addiction, which is an illness that requires treatment. Therefore, moving through the opioid abuse stages of tolerance and dependence to the addiction stage brings new challenges. Addiction indicates the loss of the ability to control decision-making skills for self-control. Finally, the loss of judgment or impulse control is a criterion healthcare providers use to diagnose addiction or a substance use disorder. 

Healthcare providers look for the following signs, symptoms, and behaviors when assessing opioid use disorders. Almost 20% of people using prescription opioid medications for chronic pain develop an opioid use disorder.

Signs and symptoms of opioid use disorder include any of the following:

  • A slow increase in frequency and dosage of a legal opioid prescription
  • An inability to decrease dosages or stop using opioids
  • Increased drug-seeking behaviors
  • Increasing intensity of cravings for opioid drugs
  • Opioid medications begin to interfere with lifestyle responsibilities
  • Denial of a problem if family or friends bring up the changes they see
  • Practice risky behaviors without clear judgments for safety
  • Acknowledgment that mental or physical symptoms are beginning from opioid misuse or abuse, but cannot stop using
  • Developing tolerance for opioids
  • Experience withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop or decrease usage

Final Stage: Opioid Withdrawal

Once an opioid use disorder is present, it is dangerous to try to quit taking opioids cold turkey alone without a good detox program. The opioid abuse stages of misuse, abuse, tolerance, and dependence take time. Once the drugs affect the brain’s chemistry, medically monitored detox is strongly recommended. Tapering is recommended for most people developing opioid abuse, but detox is a wise choice once a substance use disorder develops. 

The following signs and symptoms are opioid withdrawal symptoms to watch for:

  • Runny nose, sniffling, watery eyes, and continual yawning
  • Feeling restless or anxious
  • Feeling irritable and moody
  • Experiencing an increase in chronic pain
  • Sweating, goosebumps, and chills
  • Stomach cramps and digestive issues
  • Muscle pain and cramping
  • Tremors
  • Rapid heart rate and blood pressure fluctuations
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Suicidal thoughts

Get the Treatment You Deserve for An Opioid Use Disorder at Freeman Recovery

What begins as a treatment regimen for chronic pain can end in an opioid use disorder without intention. Freeman Recovery Center in Tennessee recognizes and understands accidental opioid addiction. Our compassionate treatment professionals realize fear of experiencing chronic pain again without the help of opioids is frightening.

Contact us for answers to your questions about detox and begin to feel hope for a healthier future.